/** * Config source: https://git.io/JvgAf * * Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this contract * file. */ import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env' import { mailConfig } from '@adonisjs/mail/build/config' export default mailConfig({ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default mailer |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following mailer will be used to send emails, when you don't specify | a mailer | */ mailer: '{{primaryDriver}}', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mailers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You can define or more mailers to send emails from your application. A | single `driver` can be used to define multiple mailers with different | config. | | For example: Postmark driver can be used to have different mailers for | sending transactional and promotional emails | */ mailers: { {{#smtp}} /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Smtp |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uses SMTP protocol for sending email | */ smtp: { driver: 'smtp', host: Env.get('SMTP_HOST'), port: Env.get('SMTP_PORT'), auth: { user: Env.get('SMTP_USERNAME'), pass: Env.get('SMTP_PASSWORD'), type: 'login', } }, {{/smtp}} {{#ses}} /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SES |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uses Amazon SES for sending emails. You will have to install the aws-sdk | when using this driver. | | ``` | npm i aws-sdk | ``` | */ ses: { driver: 'ses', apiVersion: '2010-12-01', key: Env.get('SES_ACCESS_KEY'), secret: Env.get('SES_ACCESS_SECRET'), region: Env.get('SES_REGION'), sslEnabled: true, sendingRate: 10, maxConnections: 5, }, {{/ses}} {{#mailgun}} /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mailgun |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uses Mailgun service for sending emails. | | If you are using an EU domain. Ensure to change the baseUrl to hit the | europe endpoint (https://api.eu.mailgun.net/v3). | */ mailgun: { driver: 'mailgun', baseUrl: 'https://api.mailgun.net/v3', key: Env.get('MAILGUN_API_KEY'), domain: Env.get('MAILGUN_DOMAIN'), }, {{/mailgun}} {{#sparkpost}} /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SparkPost |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uses Sparkpost service for sending emails. | */ sparkpost: { driver: 'sparkpost', baseUrl: 'https://api.sparkpost.com/api/v1', key: Env.get('SPARKPOST_API_KEY'), }, {{/sparkpost}} }, })