import Scheduler from '@ioc:Verful/Scheduler' /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Scheduled tasks |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Scheduled tasks allow you to run recurrent tasks in the background of your | application. Here you can define all your scheduled tasks. | | You can define a scheduled task using the `.call` method on the Scheduler object | as shown in the following example | | ``` | => { | console.log('I am a scheduled task') | }).everyMinute() | ``` | | The example above will print the message `I am a scheduled task` every minute. | | You can also schedule ace commands using the `.command` method on the Scheduler | object as shown in the following example | | ``` | Scheduler.command('greet').everyMinute() | ``` | | The example above will run the `greet` command every minute. | | You can also schedule shell commands with arguments using the `.exec` method on the Scheduler | object as shown in the following example | | ``` | Scheduler.exec('node ace greet').everyMinute() | ``` | | The example above will run the `node ace greet` command every minute. | | Happy scheduling! */